Student-Parent-Teacher Compact
Ipswich Title Program

As a student, I, ____________________________________________ will:
Always try to do my best in my work and in my behavior.
Work cooperatively with my classmates by listening to other’s ideas and helping others when asked.
Show respect for myself, my school, and other people.
Obey the school rules.
Take pride in my school.
Come to school prepared with my homework and supplies.
Believe that I can and will learn.

As a parent/guardian, I, ____________________________________ will:
See that my child attends school regularly and on time.
Provide a home environment that encourages my child to learn.
Communicate regularly with my child’s teachers.
Support the school in developing positive behaviors.
Talk daily with my child about his/her school activities.
Encourage my child to read at home.
Monitor TV viewing, computer, and video game usage.
Volunteer time at my child’s school when possible.
Show respect and support for my child, the teacher, and the school.

As a teacher, I, _____________________________________________ will:
Believe each student can learn.
Show respect for each child and his/her family.
Come to class prepared to teach.
Provide an environment conducive to learning.
Help each child grow to his/her fullest potential.
Provide meaningful and appropriate activities.
Enforce school and classroom rules fairly and consistently.
Maintain open lines of communication with the student and his/her family.
Seek ways to involve the parent in the school program.
Demonstrate professional behavior and a positive attitude.

Student____________________________________ Date ______________

Parent/Guardian______________________________ Date ______________

Teacher____________________________________ Date ______________